Friday 22 October 2010

Folksy Friday

So as a newbie to all this Folksy stuff I have discovered in the nicest way that on Fridays it is the day to recommend other Folksy sellers.

This week I am still on cloud nine about being included in Painted Ghost's Folksy Friday.

Which just leaves me to start as I mean to go on and take part myself. This week I'm recommending you take a look at a couple of sellers who I have bought from myself recently.

Snow Queen Trinkets came to my rescue. After sending a lovely package to a friend, all tissue paper and little gift tags I was forced to write the accompanying letter to her on a piece of paper I ripped out of my notebook that I use to write lists - not quite the look I was going for! But never fear, a little search on Folksy and now I'm the proud owner of a range of notecards all ready for the next time I want to send a little sunshine.

Champignons make hand printed moleskin notebooks fit for any little ideas that you might want to scribble down for a rainy day. I bought one to send to my Secret Post Club pick this month.

And finally for today It Belongs to Turtle have cute illustrations available as prints, cards and badges. I bought a print for my brother and sister-in-law as a thank you. My sister-in-law is a little (understatement!) monkey mad and their Maurice print, framed by me once received, will look great on their wall. If you can't find their shop, try here too as they are moving over their Folksy store to a new username.

And so ends my first Folksy Friday - it feels good! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou Laura!
    I'm so pleased that you liked my notelets :)
